The Gathering Place Fellowship

from the desk of

Senior Pastor Penny Baker

LUKE 21:11

And there will be great earthquakes in various places

Revival seems to parallel natural phenomena. Occurrences in the natural world are usually accompanied by similar events in the spiritual world. The San Francisco earthquake happened at the same time that the Welsh revival and the Pentecostal outpouring were taking place in 1906. Natural shaking and spiritual go together.

In our verse in Luke, we are told of great earthquakes which will happen all over the world in the last days.
Haggi 2:6 tell us that heaven, earth, and the sea, and the dry land will be shaken and God's house will be filled with glory.
In Ezekiel's valley of dry bones, a shaking took place as bone was knit to bone.
In the days of Uzziah, the King of Judah, a great earthquake occurred.
We read in Amos 1:1 that recorded time is built around events happening prior to the earthquake.
When Moses received the Ten Commandments, the mountain quaked.
When Jesus died on the cross, the whole world shook.
On resurrection morning another earthquake took place.
Hebrews 12:26-27 promises that prior to the coming of the Lord Jesus there will be more earthquakes.

Perhaps reading prophecies about the earth shaking is not your way to start the new week. But with the natural goes the supernatural.
The good news is, "The Lord is stirring His people"
His church is being jolted out of her "Lethargy".
Old antiquated and obsolete traditions are being shaken to the very foundations.
This shaking has to take place before we will accept the new things God has in store for us.
The Holy Spirit is getting us ready for a mighty move upon the earth.
And the return of “Our Lord Jesus Christ".

God Bless you.
Pastor Penny




In other translations the Lord assures us in a variety of ways that He has good things in store for us: "plans for peace, not disaster"; "thoughts of peace and not hurts"; "intentions of prosperity, and NOT suffering"' "to make you happy and not to harm you". "It is your welfare I have in mind", He assures us, "not your undoing".

In a world full of bad news where the mood of pessimism is strong, it is good for us believers to hear from the Lord Himself that He has good plans for us.

God has promised us a hope and a future. This age is not the post-Christian era, as some are saying, because we are assured of a future, THERE ARE YET CHAPTERS TO BE WRITTEN IN THE HISTORY OF THE BODY OF CHRIST.

One writer says of God's plans for His people that it is His purpose is to give them literally an end and hope. End is like "happy ending" or "reward". He is the covenant God of unchanging grace. His plans concerning His people are always thoughts of good, of blessing.
There is not a single item of evil in His plans for His people; neither in their motive, nor in their revelation, or in their consummation. All is good, all is blessing.

This verse can be claimed by you for your personal comfort and encouragement.
God's plans for you are good plans, giving you so much to look forward to. You have so much to live for! Instead of futility, you have a future. Instead of despair, you have hope,




ISAIAH 59:19..

When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit Of The Lord will raise up a standard against him.

The original Hebrew word translated "standard" in this verse is -- nuwc..( noos). It is an unusual word signifying something displayed in order to put to flight or to chase away opposition so that a person can escape or be delivered. The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard (nuwc) not only to turn back the floodtide of the enemy that comes against us, but also to deliver us and give us a way to escape. Our God not only promises to stop the opposition in its tracks, but to show us the way through to our next point of victory. The image nuwc gives is that of a brake and an accelerator on an automobile. The Lord tells us that He will accelerate our forward progress. The enemy will go back to his starting place, turned back by the Spirit of God. We will get on with living. We will be set free to go ahead and fulfill the will and call of God on our life. Satan, then goes backward while we go forward. This exchange puts us way ahead of the opposition and the competition. Isaiah 28:6 referred to. .".those who turn back the battle at the gate." As in "the gates of hell" in Matt: 16:18, this alludes to the place from which Satan's malignant forces issue. To "to turn back the battle at the gate"... is to drive satan back to his starting place. This action frees us to get on with our journey, to press on to even greater levels of victory and triumph in Christ
God Bless you richly
Pastor Penny Baker.


2ND. SAMUEL 23: 11-12

Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite stationed himself in the middle of the field, defended it, ...And the Lord brought about a great victory.

Shammah was one of David;s heroic warriors. He came to a field that was food supply for David’s army. The Philistines had moved in and captured it. The people ran away in fear but Shammah stationed himself in the middle of the field, defended the acreage all around, and the Lord intervened to help him. The outcome was a great victory. Shammah took a stand and refused to be removed. This could be the origin of the expression “stand your ground” It is not easy to stand your ground when the rest of the crowd is running for their lives leaving you to face the massed and armed might of the enemy alone. There have been people who have lost their jobs for taking a stand for a principle they knew in their heart was right. There were things that was going on in the place where they worked that they felt was wrong, immoral, dishonest, and indecent; When they refused to participate in the activity, the superior discharged them. The victory in that situation was locating a better job--- one that was everything they could have ever asked for..It was great. Standing your ground does not mean being stubborn when the Church is moving forward or when you are trying to prove to your mate that he or she is wrong. It is not being belligerent..hardnosed….or uncooperative. It is simply taking a firm position based on personal integrity. It is saying to yourself: “ I want to live by the principles of God’s word. I am standing for truth and trusting the Lord to defend me and bring me victory”.
God Bless you richly
Pastor Penny Baker.