Who do you say I am?
Mark 8-29 And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ.
Whether you believe in God or not, Jesus is an important historical figure. There are historical accounts of Jesus aside from the Bible. There is no denying that He has had a much greater impact than any other in history. There has been much good done in the name of Jesus. Unfortunately there has been much evil also done in the name of Jesus. As with anything good, the devil has attempted to coopt it for his purpose. Evil that is purpetrated in the name of God is not OF God. Seek first the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit with help you discerne what is OF God and what in not. There is a reason the Bible talks extensively about our adversary the devil. If you don't know God it is easy to be deceived by the devil. The Bible exposes the devil and his tactics so that we may resist him.
Jesus was the physical manifistation of God on the earth. The virgin Mary was impregnated by the Spirit of God, inorder for Him to be pure and free of sin. Jesus lived a normal life and experienced all that we experience. He did not begin His ministry until the age of 30, and His ministry lasted for three years.
Jesus is a risen savior, residing at the right hand of God the Father and intercessing on our behalf. There are many who saw and spoke with Jesus after His resurection.